How to Start Eating Healthy: 12 Attainable Tips from a Certified Nutritionist


There are so many foods and diets that one can take, and so many that are actually very dangerous for the body and yet so highly recommended. And this is fine but it does not have to be! Here are some practical suggestions and guidelines to assist in making changes and improvements to your diet that will actually be beneficial to one’s well-being. Following is the list of top twelve realistic behavioral goals offered by a certified nutritionist to embark on healthy eating.

1. Start with Small Changes

It is not mandatory that you need to change your entire diet plan at once because it takes time to incorporate new changes into people. In other words, it is wrong to use such an approach as an attempt to find a set of levers with which you will be able to influence the organization and effect maximum change at the same time.

Why Small Changes Work

Consistency and Change: It is easier to build bigger things with smaller things, and therefore, making small changes is especially helpful in developing confidence and ensuring consistency.

2. Focus on Whole Foods

A diet of such manner comprises of foods that contains many nutrients and are processed in a way that they are not contaminated with preservative chemicals which most processed foods contain.

Benefits of Whole Foods

These include foods that are prepared naturally without being processed, they contain many nutrient dense calories that the body needs. It offers vitamin, mineral, fiber and antioxidant nutrients which may avoid the chronic diseases, improves digestion and make us healthy.

3. Plan Your Meals

Making a healthy eating plan can also help prevent the tendency to grab unhealthy convenience food or junk foods anytime. Also dedicated some time, probably once per week, to decide on what you are going to eat, what food items you will need and prepare them in advance.

How to Plan Effectively

Writing Your Daily Meal Plan First, create a weekly plan with all possible groupings, including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and between-meal snacks. There are many great recipes out there but choose the ones you like and those that can actually be done in the time you have available.

4. Healthy Snack Ideas

When you make a decision to pay more attention at what you are consuming, Nutrition Facts label becomes an important tool at your disposal. Opt for foods, especially those with minimal added sugars, sodium, and undesirable fats. Break out from habits of mindless eating that often lead to consuming high calorie foods with little or no nutrient value.

What to Look For

  • Calories: You should also look at the calories per serving and how this will impact on the necessary daily requirement of calories.
  • Nutrients: Search for meals that are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals as they will be very helpful to your health.
  • Ingredients: Seek products with as few processing ingredients as possible and seasonings that are easy to identify. Do not consume products that are sweetened, processed, or contain any form of fat except for the healthy one.

5. Stay Hydrated

This alone should be an ample reason to encourage people to drink enough water, plus, proper hydration can help you make the right choices when it comes to eating healthy. Cravings often blend with thirst, and in most cases, individuals will mistake a glass of water with a snack.

Tips for Staying Hydrated

  • Drink water from a reusable container and have it with you wherever you go.
  • Drink water regularly: It’s important; make sure to set alarms on your phone to remind you to drink water.
  • Introduce a glass of water just before the meal times to aid in managing.

6. Don’t Skip Breakfast

Having breakfast is perhaps the most important meal in a day because it has a number of benefits. A balanced meal taken in the morning can reduce cravings and prolong the time before the next meal is taken and it is even recommended to eat eggs to boost metabolism. Ideally, you should take your breakfast with protein, fiber and other healthy fats which should help to keep you full and satisfied.

Healthy Breakfast Ideas

  • Plain green yogurt served with cereal and slices of fresh fruits.
  • This one was simply oatmeal base, topped with nuts, seeds, and berries.
  • This recipe involves making a smoothie using spinach, banana, protein powder, and almond milk.

7. Cook More at Home

It could also be fun and engaging to do with friends or families to make it an interesting activity everybody will enjoy doing. Commit yourself to preparing as many meals in your kitchen from fresh raw materials as possible. Branch out and introduce new dishes and methods in the preparation of those dishes so that the monotonous feel is eliminated.

Simple Cooking Tips

  • Begin with simple recipes that require an approach as to what constituent ingredients are required and how to proceed with the process.
  • Maintain healthy ways of preparing food most preferably through grilling, baking, steaming or sautéing foods with a little amount of oil.
  • When measuring additives such as herbs and spices, people should try to be more creative by using additives that would give extra tastes without adding calories.

8. Read Nutrition Labels

When you make a decision to pay more attention at what you are consuming, Nutrition Facts label becomes an important tool at your disposal. Opt for foods, especially those with minimal added sugars, sodium, and undesirable fats. Break out from habits of mindless eating that often lead to consuming high calorie foods with little or no nutrient value.

What to Look For

  • Serving Size: Bear in mind that the portion control varies with the number of servings present in a package.
  • Calories: You should also look at the calories per serving and how this will impact on the necessary daily requirement of calories.
  • Nutrients: Search for meals that are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals as they will be very helpful to your health.

9. Practice Portion Control

The major goal in consuming meals is not only considering what is taken but also the portion sizes in the meal. Portion control means how much food you take and thus avoiding taking more than our body requires to meet its energy needs is very important in controlling our weights.

Portion Control Tips

  • Doing so, it is easy to have a several biscuits without even realizing, different snacks which are eaten directly from the packages.
  • Scoop a portion on your plate and the remaining food should be covered or preferably kept away.
  • Eat slower and pay attention

10. Limit Added Sugars

Sugars that are consumed beyond the recommended amounts have adverse effects on the health such as increasing the risk of obesity, diabetes among others. Avoid taking foods with added sugars and putting more sugars to your beverages, candies and processed foods. Well, to avoid that, you can have your sweet cravings fulfilled by natural diets rich in fructose such as fruits.

Reducing the consumption of sugar can be a difficult task, but it is possible to do it gradually and safely if you follow these tips.

  • Gradually start altering your sweet habits and lessen the amount of sugar.
  • Avoid foods labeled with adjectives like low-fat, healthy, or sugar-free,
  • And when it comes to foods, check the labels to know the amount of sugar that has been added.

11. Listen to Your Body

Learn your hunger and fullness signs right from the word go: Listen to your body’s hunger and fullness signals. When you’re hungry and quitting the moment you can no longer eat anymore. This is a common and natural nutritional approach that will assist you avoid eating beyond your appetite or getting cranky over food.

Intuitive eating is a concept that aims to eliminate the process of dieting and the obsession for food and instead rely on following one’s intuition to guide what they eat.

  • Many people stress on eating when they are bored or feeling annoyed this should stop and instead eat when the body really requires energy.
  • Do not limit yourself too much and make sure to allow yourself occasional pokers and other treats.
  • Take note of the changes in how your body reacts to your food and switch to taking food that will boost your body and energies.

12. Get Support

It’s never easy to alter your eating habits, but that’s where the Internet comes in handy and supports you. Consult with friends or family or even a nutritionist specialized in you to get the best results. To bolster this, such things like

becoming a member of a group that strives towards healthy eating ensures that people are encouraged, motivated, and held responsible for their diets.

How to Finding Support

  • Let people know about your plans
  • It pays to be active in groups and forums online that specifically deal with health diet and eating.
  • Consult a nutritionist or dietitian


Hence, it is advisable that the viewer pays close attention to these points, that is, always be prepared, take water often and heed to your body. These are some of the habits that once adopted and incorporated into your schedule will become a norm. It as important to note here that the following twelve tips are just a ballpark, unless you’re collaborating with a certified nutritionist, they can help you in your quest to feel better or lose weight or get healthier.

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