8 Things to Do Every Night to Improve Our Health


People seem to have less time for themselves and taking care of their health can often be one of the last priorities especially in the evenings when we feel so drained. However, it can help to establish some new healthy habits into your daily plan and then add this new healthy schedule to your night schedule plan. Here is the list of the top eight things to do every night for the better benefit of our health.

1. Regular Sleep Routine

Sleep should not be an erratic affair, and hence one should ensure that they set a fixed time of going to sleep and waking up. Proper sleep is very crucial for the body since most of the body breakdown takes place during the night and therefore requires proper sleeping routine. It is therefore useful to keep to some sort of sleep timetable. It is thus necessary to be able to maintain the proper sleep cycle and this on its own will be beneficial to the health of an individual.

Now, we come to the list of guidelines which people should follow to establish
the sleep schedule:

Try to establish daily habitual sleep schedules and get 7-9 hours of sleep into a day. Extend your sleep cycle: This is good sleep habits such as listening to music, reading books or taking a warm bath to make it a point to practice before going to bed.

2. Delicious Reasons You Should Not Skip Your Evening Meal

So, you are what you eat; and there is no better way to say this than the porridge adage means ‘Be careful what you eat. ’ A proper dinner should be healthy particularly with items that will not harm the digestive system and contribute to stomach problems at night and no sleep.

Timing Your Evening Meal

Late dinner also hugely reduces the digestion of foods at that late evening and you are left with no option than to stay wide awake throughout the night. Another important thing that a person should follow is that the last meal of the day, which is dinner should be taken far from bedtime, more specifically 2 to 3 hours to bedtime.

3. Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques:

The health benefits of practicing mindfulness and performing relaxation techniques have often been recommended for individuals stressed from their work or daily activities. Calmness and more significant mindfulness is recommended throughout such state because it has been proved that some methods, like transcendental meditation, can help to relieve anxiety and depression symptoms.

Simple Relaxation Techniques

Engage in physical activities that can help in calming yourself such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery. Several applications such as Calm or Headspace present podcasts of meditation to install during bedtime. It means that even simple practices and techniques like deep breathing for just 5-10 minutes can help a person to get relaxed and prepare for sleep.

4. Disconnect from the use of Gadgets and Electronics

The final activity of the week is to unplug all electronic devices to minimize screen time. Consequently, the effects of increased screen time on sleep were closely analyzed. Waking with electronic gadgets or being in front of screens may harm you or be counterproductive. Nowadays, people spend a lot of time using various gadgets such as smartphones, tablets, or computers which emit blue light and disrupt the body’s ability to produce melatonin for proper functioning during the night.

Proper way to disconnect from Gadgets and Electronics

Preparing yourself for bed and ensuring that you do not have any electronic gadgets such as phone within your reach will help in the process of unplugging before bed. Write or type a message, at least an hour before the time when the screens will be turned off for the day. The absence of electronics in the bedroom may also enhance sleep quality because the brain will not be distracted by signals received from these devices.

5. Reflect on Your Day

Daily check-up that may taking few moments to think what happen today make us healthier at the end by removing stress and having positive thinking. Looking at what has been good and what you are thankful for is a great way to redirect the mind from any thinking negative about a situation, or concerning the worst case scenarios

Other Reflection Techniques

Well, journaling doesn’t suit you? At least, verbal reflection is also possible. Converse about the topic with a family member and ask how their day went and what they were able to achieve and what was difficult for them. Instead, you may try being mindful, which means you recall your day, moments and think about things that you are thankful for.

6. Hydrate Wisely

Water is an invaluable resource for which people count by each drop, its priceless value is inexpressible in any currency, all people are aware that they need water, they feel it once a day, and this is an essential element for life for any living organism. It is also important to note the timing when taking beverages: it is more effective to be oriented at the evening

Tips for Evening Hydration

Some of the tips include; you should drink a lot of water throughout the day but limit the amount of water you take before going to bed. If you have a throat problem or the tendency to catch cold at night, avoid taking water during night by taking large gulps but rather take a small amount of water.

7. Plan for Tomorrow

This should include a breakdown of the things one needs to do the following day with the intention of ensuring that the most urgent and important work is handled. Pack your luggage and iron your clothing or put your clothes in a bag or briefcase. The following are the ways that this effort can help you make your day or rather your mornings easy and productive.

Using Tools and Apps

Using of planners or apps for scheduling the tasks. Get a task manager to keep track of your to-do lists, deadlines, and appointments using popular project management tools such as Trello, Asana, or even calendar apps? Preliminary planning for every day of the week is supposed to be done before constructing a daily schedule or checklist.

8. Comfortable Sleep Environment

This one can, without any doubt, agree to the fact that the sleep environment is one of the primary factors that help to determine how good the sleep of a given individual is each night. Just like the kind of food we are able to take determines the kind of nutrient that we are going to source, the quality of the sleep one is going to have will also depend on the quality of sleep environment that you are going to come up with.

Personalizing Your Sleep Space

Your bedroom should be a sanctuary; it depends where you are sleeping most of the times or at least most of your nights. Possible suggestions for enlargement are: adding elements that help create relaxing atmosphere, for example, using essences of certain oils, soft lighting, and soft textures. Get rid of any item that hinders effective focus as you enhance the appearance of your space and make it
less congested.


Hence, it is evident that by practicing these eight recommendations every time before you sleep, you can advance your health and wellness in the physical, mental, and emotional aspects. Begin with one or two and over time you can build up on that, depending on what works for you as a person. Just do not forget, that the principle is the most crucial; it is consistent. In this list, stick with these habits and you will start to see in a few more weeks to months a better feeling and functioning in the day.

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